Monday, August 13, 2012

Rose Buds in the Bush - God Will Provide, by Lauren: Part 3

Darcie and Charlotte laid their father to rest exactly one week after they arrived. The scenery around the town which at first seemed friendly, now was cold, lonely and empty.

The sister's walked back home silent, each absorbed in her own thoughts, when Darcie interrupted the quietness.

"Charlotte, what will we do? We have very little money and no provisions, you know we can't take over Papa's job, and we have no property to farm."

"God will provide," Charlotte replied more confidently then she felt.

The next day was the Sabbath so they couldn't work. Darcie cooked the last of the provisions, while Charlotte, trying to concentrate on the Holy Word, fretted. They had no peace of mind that night.

The next morning a handsome stranger appeared on the doorstep. He was in his early twenties, with the rough, weathered appreance of a hard worker with kind hazel eyes and dark curly hair. He introduced himself as Darrell Adams.

Darcie welcomed him in and listened to the reason of his visit. "Probably to give his condolences," she thought.

"Ma'am, I am sorry about your loss and I give my condolences to you and your sister," he started as he got quickly to the point, "As a God-fearing man, I believe it is the duty of a congration to support their pastor, and the duty of the men to take care of his daughters. I have come to offer my help and service."

"Thank you," was all Charlotte could manage as Darcie stood speechless.

"Charlotte was right," she mused, "God has provided."  

Charlotte went to bed that night with a thankful heart, Darrell had given them enough food to last weeks, and she was no longer afraid of winter.

Darcie, however, could only think of the young man's kindness and the tender look in the eye he gave her.


*Lizzie* said...

Ahhhh! I WANT so badly to hear moreeee!!!! You are such a good writer! Good job and KEEEEEP writing this story! ;)

Makenzie said...

Oh, fantastic story Lauren! I can't wait for the next instalment. :)

Holly said...

oh gosh lauren, don't plauge me! WHEN is the next part coming out?!?! it's so good i want to read more now! :)
naughty girl.

Lauren said...

Sorry guys, more coming eventually ) :